Starting with June 27, 2019, the people interested in installing photo-voltaic panels are no longer required to spend money and to waste time on building permits because Law no. 117/2019 for amending and completing the Law no. 50/1991 regarding the authorization of the execution of construction works has removed the obligation to hold such an authorization.
According to the new legal provisions, the installation of photo-voltaic panels for the production of electricity and / or solar panels for water heating is allowed without the building owner obtaining the building permit, but the municipalities must be informed about the modifications to the dwelling before starting the works.
The modification of the normative act was initiated by the Ministry of Environment at the proposal of the Environmental Fund Administration in order to unblock the Program for installation of photo-voltaic panels systems for electricity generation in order to cover the consumption needs and surplus delivery in the national network and the Program for installing photo-voltaic systems for isolated households not connected to the power distribution network.
Mihai Vintila
According to the new legal provisions, the installation of photo-voltaic panels for the production of electricity and / or solar panels for water heating is allowed without the building owner obtaining the building permit, but the municipalities must be informed about the modifications to the dwelling before starting the works.
The modification of the normative act was initiated by the Ministry of Environment at the proposal of the Environmental Fund Administration in order to unblock the Program for installation of photo-voltaic panels systems for electricity generation in order to cover the consumption needs and surplus delivery in the national network and the Program for installing photo-voltaic systems for isolated households not connected to the power distribution network.
Mihai Vintila