The multisectoral fair provides an excellent opportunity to present quality products and services, innovative trends and ideas. It is the annual biggest regional sales exhibition in the Northern Lithuania.
The trade show will take place 3 days from Tuesday, 29th November to Saturday, 1st December 2018 in Siauliai, Lithuania (Siauliai Arena, J. Jablonskio St. 16,Siauliai, Lithuania).
Audience: general public and professional visitors.
“Siauliai 2018” exhibitors use the fair to introduce new products and services in the target group. You are welcome to strengthen your contacts with existing customers and get new ones, find business partners in Lithuania.
Additionally international conference, seminars and B2B meetings are offered.
Registration yo exhibition:
B2B Registration form
Companies and businessmen are kindly invited to make an application for the participation in the Sales Exhibition Trade Fair“SIAULIAI 2018”. Proceeding nice tradition it will be held for the 23nd time already.
Information (English/Russian): Siauliai Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts, Vilniaus St. 88, LT-76285, Siauliai, Lithuania,tel. +370 41 525 504, 520560, fax. +370 41 523 903, E-mail:
The trade show will take place 3 days from Tuesday, 29th November to Saturday, 1st December 2018 in Siauliai, Lithuania (Siauliai Arena, J. Jablonskio St. 16,Siauliai, Lithuania).
Audience: general public and professional visitors.
“Siauliai 2018” exhibitors use the fair to introduce new products and services in the target group. You are welcome to strengthen your contacts with existing customers and get new ones, find business partners in Lithuania.
Additionally international conference, seminars and B2B meetings are offered.
Registration yo exhibition:
B2B Registration form
Companies and businessmen are kindly invited to make an application for the participation in the Sales Exhibition Trade Fair“SIAULIAI 2018”. Proceeding nice tradition it will be held for the 23nd time already.
Information (English/Russian): Siauliai Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts, Vilniaus St. 88, LT-76285, Siauliai, Lithuania,tel. +370 41 525 504, 520560, fax. +370 41 523 903, E-mail: