Conference "Competitiveness, intelligence and value added by private services - ENERGY SERVICES - biomass resource and wealth of the country," second edition of


February 18, 2016; Hotel Hilton, Queen Mary II Hall

9:00 to 9:30 - Register participants
9:30 to 10:30 - Public Policy and Action Programme 2016-2020
1. Ms. Simona MAN, SECRETARY OF STATE) - Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development - land use policies to promote energy crops
2. Mr. Victor Vlad Grigorescu - Minister of Energy - Energy Strategy
3. Mr. Iulian Iancu - Chairman of the industries and services - Chamber of Deputies - Law and biomass energy crops
4. Ms. Corina Popescu, State Secretary), Ministry of Energy
5. Ms. Corina Lupu, Secretary of State) - Ministry of Environment, Water and Forestry - Environmental and Energy Crops
6. Ms. Carmen Aura RÄ‚DUCU - MINISTER OF EUROPEAN FUNDS - Coordination of programs for biomass

10:30 to 11:30 - ANRE - controlling the development of private energy services
7. Pawlonia - Culture and Local Economic efficiency - Mr. Andrei APETREI
8. energy willow - Culture and economic efficiency - Sandor Benko CEO KWG energy willow
9. The production of pellets - realities and requirements - Vladimir BUNDUCHI - BIO president POWER PROD
10. Biomass - energy resource major EU macro-regional importance - Mr. Iulian CUCULAS, CEO E INVEST CAPITAL
11. biomass cogeneration systems for small and medium consumers - Mr. George TUCU - General Manager, Creative Solutions Valeg
12. Turning waste biomass to produce thermal energy with high efficiency in rural and urban communities - Univ. dr. ing. Eden MAMMOTH - Director of the Institute for Nanotechnology and Alternative Energy Sources

11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. - Pause
12:00 to 2:00 p.m. - Innovation
13. Innovation Romanian - heating systems use pellets - Company ecoHORNET
14. Energy efficiency in heat production using biomass - Associates - Employers States
15. Clusters, innovation and competitiveness in cross-cutting areas - Ms. Christina Leucuta, Senior Advisor CLUSTERO, clusters ROMANIA ASSOCIATION
16. Energy efficiency in heat production using biomass - member associations


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