SE Europe Needs Sustainable Energy and Urban Solutions

Never before the environment, energy and smart cities topics haven’t been so close connected as today. The European Union will continue to play a leading role for low-carbon global economy and the conclusions of the World Climate Summit 2015 certainly will affect the future development.

Today’s cities and energy systems are responsible for 75 percent of global CO2 emissions and they are extremely changing under the influence of innovations. Numerous events happen across the world, which help business to introduce new resource efficient and clean energy solutions and connect key industry players. One of them are EE & RE (energy efficiency & renewables) and Smart Cities Exhibitions and Conferences (5-7 April 2016, Sofia, Bulgaria). A focus is South-East Europe – a Region with a fossil-fuel based economy strongly dependent on import, with high energy intensity and good renewable energy production potential. These factors together with opportunities provided by the Programing period 2014-2020 attract foreign companies to the regional market.    

The organizer Via Expo is expecting strong international presence at the event in 2016 (exhibitors from 12 countries took part in 2015). An Italian Group participation and Austrian Pavilion have been already confirmed.

Bioenergy is one of the highlights of EE & RE 2016 due to the well-developed agriculture, forestry and wood industry and bio waste availabilities. Biogas plants are also the best option to avoid the upcoming sanctions to be imposed from 1.01.2016 in connection with EU legislation for methane emissions reduction and responsibility for climate change. Till now leading companies from Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Denmark and Italy confirmed their participation and will showcase biogas plants, turnkey biomass combustion plants for combined heat and power generation, wood pellets and waste-to-energy systems. Among the exhibits will be cogeneration technologies, photovoltaics, small wind turbines and inverters, geothermal heat pumps. A new range of ultra-fast MPPT suitable for small and large PV installations and battery chargers will catch the visitors’ interest.

Sustainable City Environment and Mobility, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for Smart Cities are the scopes of Smart Cities.

Speakers from European organizations will provide attendees first-hand knowledge on important topics: District Heating, Insulation Innovations, Bioenergy, Challenges for Future Cities, Planning Sustainable Cities, Sustainable Mobility, Energy Efficiency in Smart Cities, etc.

For the first time the Conference puts an accent on geothermal energy and Dr. Juliet Newson, President of the International Geothermal Association (IGA) will speak about tendencies, best practices and supporting schemes.

Invited experts from Euroheat & Power, PU Europe, Buildings Performance Institute Europe, Architects’ Council of Europe, Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria, Innovation Norway, Covenant of Mayors, Calypso Networks Association, etc. will also take part in the SEE Conferences.

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