Availon achieves 98%+ availability on US wind sites under its care

Availon, the leading multi-brand independent service provider for wind turbines, announced today that the company managed to keep the US wind farms it has under O&M contracts at historical levels of availability.  The most challenging site, whose name remains undisclosed, is now continuously running at above 98.4% availability whereas other less challenging wind farms enjoy availability levels between 99.4 % and 99.8%.

Availon was able to achieve the highest contractual availability, which the sites has ever seen, a remarkable performance considering that the age of the turbines is increasing. With downtime brought down at a near zero, Availon’s customers are able to maximize revenue yields.

“We are extremely proud of those results. When your business is to harness the wind, it’s vital to keep your turbines online. Our very name, which comes from “Availability ON”, underpins our mission to reach the highest availability and lowest component failure rate to drive peak profitability of the wind farm assets under our care,” commented Ulrich Schomakers, CEO, Availon Inc.

Availon’s European partners are already familiar with the company’s high level of experience and continuous optimization initiatives. Clients are attracted by the unique blend of local solutions and global expertise Availon provides. Now, customers in North America are seeing the same benefits on their projects.

“We’re excited to offer our services to more customers in North America,” said Schomakers, who noted that Availon has its U.S. headquarters in Grimes, Iowa, along with another office in Texas. “Being located in the heart of America’s leading wind energy areas keeps us close to our customers. We deliver the wow factor. That’s why more and more US owners trust their service needs to our expanding American business. We have built up the organization and are now ready to take the next steps to significantly grow our O&M global business in the next years.”

With more than 20 years in the wind energy business, Availon has become the leading service provider in a number of European countries, from Germany to Italy. With 400 employees worldwide, Availon focuses on wind energy technology from GE, Vestas®, and Gamesa equipment. The company has more than 1,700 turbines under contract, representing over 2,600 megawatts of installed power. Approximately 10% of this business is located in the United States.

Availon’s team helps clients manage costs by minimizing unscheduled maintenance, preventing turbine failure and optimizing turbine performance. Thanks to its global supply chain, Availon can supply components with short delivery times. This contributes to reduced return-to-service (RTS) times and greater productivity.

For more information, visit www.availon.com

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