Transgaz has completed the environmental assessment for 2021-2030


Transgaz, National Natural Gas Transmission Company of Romania, has completed the environmental assessment procedure for the National Natural Gas Transmission System Development Plan 2021 - 2030, according to a communiqué sent on Friday to the Bucharest Stock Exchange, Romania.

Also, according to the quoted source, the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests issued the Environmental Opinion.

"The successful completion of the Strategic Environmental Assessment creates the necessary premises for accelerating the ambitious investment program of SNTGN Transgaz SA, while ensuring a high level of environmental protection, compliance with environmental and social standards," the statement said. press release.

The environmental documentation requested in the procedure was prepared with the help of experts, following consultations with the representatives of the working group on environmental assessment, appointed by MMAP, which allowed to establish specific environmental objectives, relevant environmental objectives for PDSNT, identifying potential impact the environment generated by the implementation of the proposed projects, measures to prevent, reduce / compensate for the significant effects on the environment, the program for monitoring the significant effects on the environment of the implementation of the plan.

The implementation of the Strategic Environmental Assessment was facilitated by the European Investment Bank under an agreement on the provision of advisory services through the European Investment Advisory Hub (EIAH). The EIAH is a partnership between the EIB Group and the European Commission as part of the Europe Investment Plan. It is designed to act as a single point of access to a comprehensive range of consulting and technical assistance services for the identification, preparation and development of investment projects throughout the European Union and supports project promoters, both public and private. 


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