Romania - Moldova Energy Memorandum


The representatives of the Governments of Romania and the Republic of Moldova signed the Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the field of energy security, announced the Minister of Energy of Romania, Virgil Popescu.
"Together with Andrei Spinu, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development, I signed today the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Romania and the Government of the Republic of Moldova on cooperation in energy security. Energy is one of the areas in which cooperation between Romania and Moldova is a tight one and, I could add, with concrete results ", mentioned Virgil Popescu.

The Minister of Energy explained that Romania and the Republic of Moldova will elaborate in the next 6 months the joint action plan in case of energy crisis.

"The memorandum signed today establishes a framework for dialogue in which we can exchange information and coordinate our actions to ensure the continuity of electricity and / or natural gas supply to consumers, without affecting the fulfillment of the obligations assumed, according to the platforms and mechanisms. "In the next 6 months we will elaborate the Joint Plan of actions and measures of solidarity in case of energy crisis", Virgil Popescu transmitted.

The Minister of Energy stressed that Romania supports the harmonization of the internal legislation of the Republic of Moldova with the European legislation in the field of energy.

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