The concerns of the Braşov County Council management to improve the infrastructure of the buildings in which the medical and social institutions under its authority operate have materialized in three energy efficiency projects, accessed under the Regional Operational Program, Priority Axis 3. More than 65.8 million lei (13.81 million euro) from funds European capitals will be invested in capital repairs, modernization, replacement of utility networks, installation of alternative electricity and heat generation systems and energy efficiency of buildings housing health and social facilities in the county, projects being in various stages implementation.
Thus, the project "Capital Repairs, Modernization, Energy Efficiency of Sanitary Pneumophtisology Unit Sanpetru" has the financing contract signed the year, and now the offers for the design and execution of the works have reached the stage of technical evaluation. The total value of the project is 8,584,757 lei (1,8 million euro), of which the total eligible expenditures are 6,346,926 lei ( 1.3 million euro) Of the total eligible, 6,219,987 lei ( 1305881 euro) represent non-reimbursable expenses, and the difference of 126,938 lei ( 26650 euro) represents the own contribution of Brasov County.
The project "Modernization, Enhancement and Energy Efficiency of the New Maternity Body and of the Links with the Old Wing, is at the stage of the acquisition of the design and execution of the works. The total value of the project is 26,552,919 lei ( 5.574 millions euro), out of which the total eligible expenses are in the amount of 18,219,927 lei (3,825,260 euro). Of the total eligible sums, 17,855,528 lei (3,748,755 euro) represent total non-reimbursable expenses and 364,398 lei is the own contribution of Brasov County.
The project "Strengthening, Modernizing and Increasing Energy Efficiency of the Clinical Hospital of Psychiatry and Neurology in Brasov" has passed the pre-contract phase, the financing contract being signed in the following period. The total value of the project is 30,736,929 lei ( 6,453,196 euro), of which 27,705,773 lei are total non-reimbursable expenses, 565,423 lei represent the beneficiary's contribution and 2,429,331 lei are ineligible expenses.
Thus, the project "Capital Repairs, Modernization, Energy Efficiency of Sanitary Pneumophtisology Unit Sanpetru" has the financing contract signed the year, and now the offers for the design and execution of the works have reached the stage of technical evaluation. The total value of the project is 8,584,757 lei (1,8 million euro), of which the total eligible expenditures are 6,346,926 lei ( 1.3 million euro) Of the total eligible, 6,219,987 lei ( 1305881 euro) represent non-reimbursable expenses, and the difference of 126,938 lei ( 26650 euro) represents the own contribution of Brasov County.
The project "Modernization, Enhancement and Energy Efficiency of the New Maternity Body and of the Links with the Old Wing, is at the stage of the acquisition of the design and execution of the works. The total value of the project is 26,552,919 lei ( 5.574 millions euro), out of which the total eligible expenses are in the amount of 18,219,927 lei (3,825,260 euro). Of the total eligible sums, 17,855,528 lei (3,748,755 euro) represent total non-reimbursable expenses and 364,398 lei is the own contribution of Brasov County.
The project "Strengthening, Modernizing and Increasing Energy Efficiency of the Clinical Hospital of Psychiatry and Neurology in Brasov" has passed the pre-contract phase, the financing contract being signed in the following period. The total value of the project is 30,736,929 lei ( 6,453,196 euro), of which 27,705,773 lei are total non-reimbursable expenses, 565,423 lei represent the beneficiary's contribution and 2,429,331 lei are ineligible expenses.