RENPOWER POLAND 2019 The Renewable Energy & Power Infrastructure Investors Conference

RENPOWER POLAND 2019 The Renewable Energy & Power Infrastructure Investors Conference, set to take place in Warsaw on the 11th of April.

Audience: The event will bring under one roof key stakeholders in the sector, including representatives from the Government, International Finance Institutions, policy makers, international and local developers, EPC contractors, independent power producers, engineering, legal and advisory services, manufacturers, banking and private equity entities.

Program and registration: Following the Renewable Energy Sources Act (RES Act) from July 2018 and the November 2018 auctions, the Polish government is projected to announce further amendments promoting the sector as well as auction plans for 2019. End of January, Deputy energy minister, Tomasz Dabrowski, announced to the Parliament the Ministry’s support for 2.5 GW of onshore wind and 700 MW of PV in 2019 auctions amongst others. The developments in the Polish renewable energy (RE) sector are indeed expected as the government works towards improving its energy mix, decreasing its dependence on coal, and reaching its RE targets.

This will be reflected in the discussion and the agenda of the day which will be divided over 4 sessions, covering amongst others the below topics;

Polish energy in transition  market insights and looking towards the future
Next steps on the electricity market legislative transformation
Energy efficiency strengthening awareness and investing in alternative technology
Financing of and investing in the Polish renewable energy developments

More info and contact data hire.

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