neZEH (nearly Zero Energy Hotels) is a project co-funded by the European Commission within the frame of the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme, aiming to accelerate the rate of large scale renovations of hotels into nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB), by providing technical advice to committed hoteliers and demonstrating flagship nZEB projects in the European hospitality sector. Sixteen (16) pilot hotels across seven European countries (Croatia, France, Greece, Italy, Romania, Spain and Sweden) follow a renovation plan to become nearly Zero Energy
Hotels and stand out as examples of good practice in Europe.
Join neZEH during the Paris Climate Change, COP21 conference, a unique occasion to discuss the project’s results and challenges with key stakeholders, as well as to raise awareness about existing initiatives within the tourism sector and the built environment.
ENERGIES 2050, along with the Technical University of Crete (project coordinator) and the neZEH consortium partners will organise three events dedicated to neZEH (all of them opened to public), as follows:
December 8th, Le Grand Palais, ENERGIES 2050 booth, 1pm – 2pm
How to enable Nearly Zero Energy strategies in the hotels sector In this roundtable, some neZEH partners (Technical University of Crete, World
Tourism Organisation - UNWTO, ENERGIES 2050, among others) will present and discuss the project’s objectives, results and challenges. Debates with experts and public will follow on the topics of: energy innovation and sustainability in the accommodation sector; benefits from implementing neZEH strategies; capacity building and ways to unblock large-scale renovations in the Hotel Industry.
December 8th, Le Grand Palais, Conference room Νο.5, 2pm – 2:50 pm
Designing low carbon strategies in the built environment: best practices This conference will focus on solutions for designing low carbon strategies in the built environment. neZEH’s global vision, actions and next steps will be presented, among other inspiring initiatives from organisations such as Solener and UNWTO.
December 10th, Le Bourget, civil society zone, MEDCOP booth, 11am – 12pm
Tourism, climate and energy: a treasure of opportunities for the territories – Lighthouse examples and experiences from the European initiative neZEH.
This conference will specifically focus on lighthouse examples from neZEH, aiming to demonstrate the frontrunners experience and to enhance existing opportunities. Participants will include stakeholders from the tourism industry and buildings sector.
Want to join the neZEH COP21 events?
You may register at the follow link: At the question "*How did you find out about neZEH" at the field "Other, please specify", please specify for which events you are interested by typing one or more of the codes given below:
COP21-8A (for the event taking place 8/12@1-2pm)
COP21-8B (for the event taking place 8/12@2-2:50pm)
COP21-10 (for the event taking place 10/12@11am-12pm)
Registering in advance is optional, however we recommend it for simplified access at the entrance.
Hotels and stand out as examples of good practice in Europe.
Join neZEH during the Paris Climate Change, COP21 conference, a unique occasion to discuss the project’s results and challenges with key stakeholders, as well as to raise awareness about existing initiatives within the tourism sector and the built environment.
ENERGIES 2050, along with the Technical University of Crete (project coordinator) and the neZEH consortium partners will organise three events dedicated to neZEH (all of them opened to public), as follows:
December 8th, Le Grand Palais, ENERGIES 2050 booth, 1pm – 2pm
How to enable Nearly Zero Energy strategies in the hotels sector In this roundtable, some neZEH partners (Technical University of Crete, World
Tourism Organisation - UNWTO, ENERGIES 2050, among others) will present and discuss the project’s objectives, results and challenges. Debates with experts and public will follow on the topics of: energy innovation and sustainability in the accommodation sector; benefits from implementing neZEH strategies; capacity building and ways to unblock large-scale renovations in the Hotel Industry.
December 8th, Le Grand Palais, Conference room Νο.5, 2pm – 2:50 pm
Designing low carbon strategies in the built environment: best practices This conference will focus on solutions for designing low carbon strategies in the built environment. neZEH’s global vision, actions and next steps will be presented, among other inspiring initiatives from organisations such as Solener and UNWTO.
December 10th, Le Bourget, civil society zone, MEDCOP booth, 11am – 12pm
Tourism, climate and energy: a treasure of opportunities for the territories – Lighthouse examples and experiences from the European initiative neZEH.
This conference will specifically focus on lighthouse examples from neZEH, aiming to demonstrate the frontrunners experience and to enhance existing opportunities. Participants will include stakeholders from the tourism industry and buildings sector.
Want to join the neZEH COP21 events?
You may register at the follow link: At the question "*How did you find out about neZEH" at the field "Other, please specify", please specify for which events you are interested by typing one or more of the codes given below:
COP21-8A (for the event taking place 8/12@1-2pm)
COP21-8B (for the event taking place 8/12@2-2:50pm)
COP21-10 (for the event taking place 10/12@11am-12pm)
Registering in advance is optional, however we recommend it for simplified access at the entrance.
Press release