Romanian Parliament approved by a large majority "Law for the approval of measures in the field of electricity production from renewable energy sources". The normative act, initiated by the Ministry of Energy, Small and Medium Enterprises and Business, seeks further application without discrimination of Law no. 220/2008 for establishing the system for promoting energy from renewable sources, as amended and supplemented, renewable power plants over 125 MW, as well as harmonizing the national legislation with the provisions of the guidelines on State aid for environmental protection and energy for 2014-2020 (2014 / C200 / 1).
According to the law, and completion of GEO no. 88/2011, electricity producers and traders which were not issued individual decisions authorization from the European Commission, within 24 months from the date of accreditation, for reasons beyond their re-accreditation may require temporary ANRE to benefit from the number of green certificates provided under article 6, par. (2) of Law no. 220/2008. New temporary accreditation is valid until issuing the approval from the European Commission.
The law also allows the adjustment, following a decision of ANRE, the possible negative differences between the number of green certificates received and the number of green certificates granted, in accordance with the individual decision of the European Commission. Enforcement mechanism for trading involves issuance of additional green certificates for electricity producers and businesses which are shown to need reconciliation, within 24 months from the date of issue of the Commission's decision.
The Order introduces a new article that the documentation required individual notification of the measure to support the European Commission will be made only by the operators who develop plants producing electricity from renewable sources, the installed capacity exceeds 250 MW.
In order to ensure smooth market for green certificates, electricity producers and suppliers will be required to purchase green certificates quarterly corresponding annual quota and make purchases with the same periodicity of reporting.
Another measure that supports renewable energy producers with installed capacity of less than 500kW / center is to establish a state aid scheme regulated prices, in compliance with the European Commission in the field.
For producers with installed capacity of between 0.5mW and 3 MW, as most producers from renewable sources will be possible to conclude bilateral contracts of sale / purchase energy directly negotiated.
A new aspect introduced - at the express request of the European Commission, refers to the opening of the support scheme for electricity from renewable energy sources by imports from other Member States. Also, the EC request was denied promotion system through green certificates to apply for electricity produced from renewable sources sold at negative rates.
The amounts collected due to the application of penalties for offenses resulting from non-compliance provided by law will be a primary source of financing for energy efficiency fund for reducing the effects of climate change.
Support for producers of electricity
"We want a more fluid power market by establishing clear rules and simplify procedures for granting aid. We want to work in the field to sit on solid, accurate and - above all - sustainable. Adoption of the law supports the producers of electricity from renewable sources and was expected by them as a real breath of oxygen. Many operators, manufacturers and suppliers of electricity from renewable sources were, for example, in the situation of their temporary credentials expire, and this would have a significant adverse impact on their financial situation and certificates market would be destabilized Green. The new law protects against such situations. The fact that the normative act allows for small, bilateral contracts of sale / purchase directly negotiated brings another advantage, since small amounts of electricity proved difficult traded on centralized markets involving additional costs ", the Andrei Gere said Minister of Energy, SME and Business.
source; Curierul National
According to the law, and completion of GEO no. 88/2011, electricity producers and traders which were not issued individual decisions authorization from the European Commission, within 24 months from the date of accreditation, for reasons beyond their re-accreditation may require temporary ANRE to benefit from the number of green certificates provided under article 6, par. (2) of Law no. 220/2008. New temporary accreditation is valid until issuing the approval from the European Commission.
The law also allows the adjustment, following a decision of ANRE, the possible negative differences between the number of green certificates received and the number of green certificates granted, in accordance with the individual decision of the European Commission. Enforcement mechanism for trading involves issuance of additional green certificates for electricity producers and businesses which are shown to need reconciliation, within 24 months from the date of issue of the Commission's decision.
The Order introduces a new article that the documentation required individual notification of the measure to support the European Commission will be made only by the operators who develop plants producing electricity from renewable sources, the installed capacity exceeds 250 MW.
In order to ensure smooth market for green certificates, electricity producers and suppliers will be required to purchase green certificates quarterly corresponding annual quota and make purchases with the same periodicity of reporting.
Another measure that supports renewable energy producers with installed capacity of less than 500kW / center is to establish a state aid scheme regulated prices, in compliance with the European Commission in the field.
For producers with installed capacity of between 0.5mW and 3 MW, as most producers from renewable sources will be possible to conclude bilateral contracts of sale / purchase energy directly negotiated.
A new aspect introduced - at the express request of the European Commission, refers to the opening of the support scheme for electricity from renewable energy sources by imports from other Member States. Also, the EC request was denied promotion system through green certificates to apply for electricity produced from renewable sources sold at negative rates.
The amounts collected due to the application of penalties for offenses resulting from non-compliance provided by law will be a primary source of financing for energy efficiency fund for reducing the effects of climate change.
Support for producers of electricity
"We want a more fluid power market by establishing clear rules and simplify procedures for granting aid. We want to work in the field to sit on solid, accurate and - above all - sustainable. Adoption of the law supports the producers of electricity from renewable sources and was expected by them as a real breath of oxygen. Many operators, manufacturers and suppliers of electricity from renewable sources were, for example, in the situation of their temporary credentials expire, and this would have a significant adverse impact on their financial situation and certificates market would be destabilized Green. The new law protects against such situations. The fact that the normative act allows for small, bilateral contracts of sale / purchase directly negotiated brings another advantage, since small amounts of electricity proved difficult traded on centralized markets involving additional costs ", the Andrei Gere said Minister of Energy, SME and Business.
source; Curierul National