Green Cities - Green Regions [2015 - 2017]

The "Green Cities - Green Regions" aims to develop a sustainable partnership between Swiss and Romanian partners in order to help identify the right solutions for the transition to a green economy with green economy focus by the local / regional, as a necessity derived from the frequency and magnitude of the phenomena associated with climate change both in Romania and in the world.


Raising local authorities novels information about the green economy and expertise on low-carbon urban development;
RAISING capacity of local authorities to develop and implement public policies responsible in terms of climate change;
Improving the level of cooperation between municipalities and regions in Romania and Switzerland green.

Main activities:

Seminars for local decision makers on the green economy and green cities on reducing GHG thematic seminars and transition from local to regional level;
Training session on GHG inventory for local experts;
The study tour in Geneva and Lausanne area (Suisse Romande);
Green Cities - Brochure Success Stories;
Search for the best potential green projects in Romania;
Developing action plans for five cities green;
International Conference "Green Cities - Green Regions";
Project visibility and dissemination of information - the press, websites, newsletters etc.

Target group:

Local stakeholders;
Civil servants;
Employees in the public service companies that belong to the local administration.

Coordinator: TERRA Millennium III Foundation
Partners: R20 - Regions of Climate Action and the Association of Municipalities of Romania (AMR).
Period: April 2015 - April 2017
Financed Romanian-Swiss Cooperation Programme

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