Global ranking identifies top energy innovators

KIC InnoEnergy, the European company for innovation, business creation and education in sustainable energy, together with Questel Consulting, has published a unique report on innovation to provide an in-depth understanding of the global competitive energy landscape. The Top 10 Energy Innovators in 100 Energy Priorities report is the first to identify and rank the top industry and academic players worldwide at the same time according to their innovation competencies in 100 energy priorities – defined in KIC InnoEnergy´s Innovation Strategy for 2014-2019.

Innovation in sustainable energy is key for the future of energy worldwide. According to the International Energy Agency, global energy demand is expected to grow by more than one-third by 2035. Where do we have to innovate to ensure sustainability? Who and where are the players driving innovation? Which energy priorities and areas are transforming the future of the energy landscape? KIC InnoEnergy´s global study answers exactly these questions, providing in-depth insights on the energy innovation landscape and the future game changers who will have the greatest impact on the market.

According to the global results of the report, 80% of innovative industry leaders come from Japan, USA and European regions. China leads the list of academic innovative players with a strong presence in all 100 priorities, with a 40% frequency of occurrence in the top 10 rankings. However, Chinese industrial players are almost absent from the rankings.

Europe and the USA are the best positioned in the global energy landscape with both industrial and academic players. The European players lead some of the thematic fields analysed in the report, such as Wind Energy, Ocean Energy or Solar Thermal Electricity where Germany and Spain provide most of the top innovators in industry.

“The Top 10 Energy Innovators in 100 Energy Priorities report focuses on key technological areas where further development is needed to address the market challenges in the short/midterm period.” - confirms Diego Pavía, CEO of KIC InnoEnergy. ”At KIC InnoEnergy we do exactly that. We work to identify and transform available know-how into new, marketable products and services in over a hundred energy priorities to make a positive impact on the market.”

The report has analysed close to 150,000 patents, 180,000 scientific publications, identified 1,890 R&D collaborations, 340 acquisitions and start-ups, 1,227 products, services and licenses and 2,000 industry and academic players, achieving strong and comprehensive conclusions. The players are ranked according to both qualitative and quantitative KPIs, such as measures of patents, scientific publications, strategic involvement in each topic, collaboration in R&D and R&D commercialization.

Top 10 Energy Innovators in 100 Energy Priorities Report sample :

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