Slovakia: the future is the renewable energy sector - InfoEnergyNews


14 Dec 2012

Slovakia: the future is the renewable energy sector

Slovakia’s need for energy so far was provided mainly from import, but also from the nuclear energy. After Slovakia has entered European Union the state had to align its policy and regulations to those of EU.

The production of electricity from nuclear energy will represent around 50 percentages after 2013 but it still will not be able to entirely support the electricity consumption.
Both of these reasons led to the need of searching for renewable energy. The UE regulations and policies regarding the renewable sector are captured into the Europe 2020 program. According to this program Slovakia has to increase its share of renewable in the electricity consumption up to 20 percent by the end of 2020.

Starting with 2009 Slovakia started to promote the energy efficiency and renewable technologies with the help of electricity tariffs which are fixe for 15 years but is also trying to solve most of the obstacles that could slow down the expansion in the renewable sector.

Slovakia is now looking forward to embrace the renewable energy sector, focusing on geothermal, biomass, hydro and solar power.

Florentina Staicu

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