The Congress is supported by the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Strategic Partner – UZBEKGIDROENERGO.
Bronze sponsor: CINK Hydro-Energy.
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Date: February 17-18, 2021
Place: Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Organising Committee: Vostock Capital
Tel.: +7 495 109 9 509
Hydropower Central Asia and Caspian 2020 in facts and figures:
150+ C-suite executives of hydropower operating companies, government officials, international investors and leading suppliers of technologies and equipment;
Among the extended delegations: The National Committee of Industry, Energy and Subsoil of the Kyrgyz Republic, the National Energy Holding of the Kyrgyz Republic, Electric Power Plants, Chakan-GES, Samruk-Energo, WORLD BANK, Georgian Energy Development Fund, INTER RAO, Rogun HPP, Asian Development Bank, International Finance Corporation, Nurek HPP, Iran Water & Power Resources Development Co, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and a lot more others;
Among the speakers and honorary guests: Emil Osmonbetov, Chairman, the National Committee for Industry, Energy and Subsoil of the Kyrgyz Republic; Aitmamat Nazarov, Chairman of the Board, National Energy Holding Company; Taalaibek Tolubaev, General Director, Electric Power Plants; Ermek Asankanov, General Director, Chakan GES; Fazliddin Shoiddinov, Director, Nurek HPP; Dmitry Volkov, Director of Assets Management Block in the Central Asia and South Caucasus, INTER RAO; Ernur Djienbaev, Design Office Director, Samruk-Energo; Shakhram Jalali, Foreign Project Office Director, Iran Water & Power Resources Development Co. and a lot more others;
Exhibition and showcase of innovative solutions by: Wasserkraft VOLK, Polyar Steel Construction, Hydroproject Institute, Rakurs Engineering, Voith Hydro, Fesco Projects, Tractebel Engineering, Sevinc Machine Industry and Trade, Elsib, KPMG, MC Bauchemie, Tojikgidroelectromontazh, Ukrgidroproject, PPT Engineering, Cupral Bridge, MUHR, HPP France, Global Hydro Energy, Power Machines, and others.
Programme Highlights 2021:
Special focus! Uzbekistan’s hydro. Presentations of investment projects and programmes of their implementation, industry development strategy, tips for establishing a successful business in the country
Strategic Opening Session: hydropower development in the Central Asia and Caspian region: anti-crisis strategies, inter-state cooperation, plans of governments, initiators, and operators
Showcases of Greenfield and Brownfield projects in regional hydropower industry in 2021-2025
Discussion session with top managers and CTOs from operating companies and HPPs. Discuss efficient HPP operation and risk management directly with senior executives
Development of Uzbekistan’s hydropower – specialised round table with all industry players. Great opportunity to learn more about government’s plans, discuss advantages and challenges of project development, pose questions directly!
Exclusive exhibition and showcase of innovative technologies, solutions, and equipment: construction, modernisation, operation, performance growth
Investment focus! Investment strategies - the most efficient practices and financial mechanisms for hydropower projects of the region
Case-studies from companies with successful HPP construction and modernisation projects in the region
Small hydropower investment projects for construction and modernisation of small hydropower plants, and solutions for their development
30+ hours of formal and informal networking: gala-dinner, interactive round tables, pre-scheduled 1-on-1 meetings, and a lot more
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