Conference Agenda
November 29-30th 2018
Third Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency & Exhibition summit
Courtesy of Gabriel & Gabriels International Prague
Venue for the Event is Pentahotels, Sokolovská 112, Prague 8 Karlín, Czech Republic. , email:
Tel: +420 776 347 298
1. Learn about the latest developments in global market
2. Hear from leading experts in Renewable energy, Energy, Power, Utilities, Oil and Gas Industries on Regulations, Compliance Risks, and Policies
3. Learn and discover more about emerging hot topics
4. Discover the best investment and export opportunities for new renewable generation and LNG to achieve market integration through effective transparency monitoring
5. In-depth coverage of critical Data Management, Governance, Big Data etc. and ICS security subject matter in a comprehensive focus day
6. Discussion focused on the latest development and operation of a large scale global in the Industry
7. Meet peers from within your technical and professional community and Form new professional relationships
Giuseppe Fumarola – Futur-E Project Coordinator at Enel Global Thermal Generation
Prof Norman Mclennan – Managing Director at Rubislaw Integrated Consulting Solutions
Christophe Dromacque – Head of Research and Analysis at VaasaETT Global Energy
Think Tank
Johan Ander – Program Manager – Smart City Program – Energy
Sebastiano Ambrogio – Head of Energy Storage Business Development Global Thermal Generation at Enel
Richardo Batista – Naval Architect & Marine Engineer, Researcher in Energy Sustainability
Nektarios Moraitis – Energy Efficiency Manager at Watt & Volt
Shah Zulfiquar Haider – General Manager, Pabna Rural Electric Cooperative 1
David Lecoque – Policy and Business Development Manager at Alliance for Rural Electrification
Aurel Mindrican – AFEER (The Association of Electricity Suppliers in Romania) Trade Development Manager – CEZ Trade Romania & Trade Manager – Ovidiu Development
Johan Tonsberg – Contract and procurement previously Manager at Maersk Oil & Shell
Stefan Schauss – Director business Development Energy Storage Systems at Greensmithenergy
Kristina Rimkunaite – SSLNG development manager at LITGAS 2
Karim Elhanafi – President, Founder GIS Consultant Management ONG-IT GmbH
Ivana Ostoic – CEO IQ Group,Sustainabilty,Enviroment,Energy Efficiency,Renewable Expert,Public Speaker
David Marco – CEO | Best-Selling Author | International Speaker on Data Management
Rainer Bachmann – Domain E-Mobility,Head of Platforms & Operations Eon
Kirstin Bell – Director at Renewablechoice,
George Chavdarov – Energy expert at European Investment Bank
Wolfram Sparber – Chairman Of The Board Of Directors at Alperia S.p.A
Mark Ossel – Vice President at Networked Energy Services (NES) Corporation (USA, Ca)
Peter Stewart – Managing Director at Resource economist ltd
Bjorn Brochmann – Director, Brochmann Energy
Rita Conte – Consultant Endsight Consulting
Daniel Burrus – Technology Futurist, Innovation Expert, Keynote Speaker, Best Selling Author
Luis Colasante – Group Energy Manager & Head of Economic Research | Writer Contributor: Oilprice | USA Today
Richard Albrecht – Innovation and Business Development Manager at CC Energy
Sam Wilkinson – Senior Research Manager – Solar & Energy Storage at IHS Markit
Francisco Pablo De La Flor – Director of Regulation at Enagas
Willem Strabbing – Managing Director at ESMIG
Tor Eigil Hodne – Director, EU Office at Statnett SF
Robert Stanek – Senior consultant at The P3 Group Germany
Jan Ernst Sr. – Application Engineer EMEA Maxwell Technologies
Tanya Batra – Head of Business Development at Ezysolare
Tim Karlsson – Executive Director International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy (IPHE)
Bodo von Duering – Owner, von During Management AG3
David Lecoque – Policy and Business Development Manager at Alliance for Rural Electrification
Bjorn Bekkevold, Owner, Chairman, Founder & CEO
7:30 AM to 8:00 AM Registration and Reception
9:00 AM Opening statement and Keynote Addresses:
Prof Norman Mclennan, former VP Supply Chain Sasol
Exploration & Production International but now Managing
Director at Rubislaw Integrated Consulting Solutions
10:00 AM to 10:30 AM Break
10:30 AM to 12:00 PM Presentation: Collaborative business principles in challenging business environments - the art of the possible! This session will explore model supply chain & contractual solutions developed and utilized in the upstream energy sector offering. Specifically examining: Background context and whey there is a compelling case for standard solutions.
Prof Norman Mclennan, former VP Supply Chain Sasol Exploration & Production International but now Managing Director at Rubislaw Integrated Consulting Solutions
Presentation: Mega trends in climate change and resource efficiency, Urbanization, active customers digitalization and New Technologies
Johan Ander, Program Manager - Smart City Program - Energy
Presentation: Integrating wind power into the Romanian electricity market
Aurel Mindrican, AFEER (The Association of Electricity Suppliers in Romania) Trade Development Manager – CEZ Trade Romania & Trade Manager – Ovidiu Development
Presentation: ESCO model in Western Balkans-Success stories
Ivana Ostoic, CEO IQ Group, Sustainabilty, Environment,
Energy Efficiency, Renewable Expert, Public Speaker
Presentation: The integration of decentralized heat and electricity generation plus e-mobility in quarter concept as part of sustainable cities development
Rainer M. Bachmann, Domain E-Mobility, Head of Platforms & Operations Eon
Presentation: Use of depleted gas fields for green energy Bodo von Duering, Owner von During management Ag.
Presentation: "The potential of consumption feedback and demand response in the residential sector - findings from 160 pilots around the world?"
Christophe Dromacque, Head of Research and Analysis at VaasaETT Global Energy Think Tank
Presentation: Recycling of PV modules keeping in view of the speed of installation worldwide and certain PV plants are already more than 7-8 years old. I am afraid that while we step up the
investments on Renewables, we may tend to overlook the effects on environment as we are nearing the derating regime of the same
Dr. Suresh Gupta, Head of RD at Anguil Environmental Systems, Inc.
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM Lunch
Keynote Address:
Presentation: PIMS - Pipeline Information Management Systems based on Enterprise GIS
Daniel Burrus, Technology Futurist, Innovation Expert, Keynote Speaker, Best Selling Author
1:30 PM to 3:00 PM Presentation: “Integrated solutions for smart cities, power, gas
and water networks” By Karim Elhanafi, President, Founder GIS Consultant Management ONG-IT GmbH
Nektarios Moraitis, Energy Efficiency Manager
Presentation: Energy Storage experience
Sebastiano Ambrogio, Head of Energy Storage
Business Development Global Thermal Generation
Presentation: Towards a single European Power Market » The Principal Changes in the Last 5 Years in the European Power Market
Luis Colasante, Group Energy Manager & Head of Economic Research, Writer Contributor: Oilprice, USA Today
Presentation: Kristina Rimkunaite, SSLNG development manager at LITGAS
Presentation: Wolfram Sparber, Chairman of The Board of Directors at Alperia S.p.A
3:00 PM to 3:15 PM Break
3:15 PM to 4:45 PM
5:00 PM Presentation:
Joseph Mcmullen, Marketing Director Schneider Electric Software
End of Day One
7:30 AM to 8:00 AM Continental Breakfast
8:00 AM to 10:00 AM
10:00 AM to 10:30 AM Break
10:30 AM to 12:00 PM Presentation:
Sam Wilkinson, Senior Research Manager - Solar & Energy Storage at HIS Markit
Presentation: Peter Stewart, Managing Director at Resource economist ltd
Presentation: Richard Albrecht, Innovation and Business Development Manager at CC Energy
Presentation: George Chavdarov, Energy expert at European Investment Bank
Presentation: Rita Conte, Consultant Endsight Consulting
Presentation: David Marco, CEO, Best-Selling Author, International Speaker on Data Management
Presentation: How a more intelligently-run power grid can yield greater cost savings both for the entire utility system and individual customers
Tor Eigil Hodne, Director, EU Office at Statnett SF
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM Lunch
1:30 PM to 3:00 PM Presentation: As world market leader in short term energy storage (Ultra capacitors) our products contribute to stability of the future grid where renewable integration cause fluctuation of
frequency which leads into a reasonable danger of grid operation. Short term burst of power from Ultra Capacitors are a highly effective way to resolve immediate frequency response Jan Ernst, Sr. Application Engineer EMEA Maxwell
Technologies Presentation: Battery price and technology development until 2025 • Current state of the battery market for PHEV/ BEV automotive market • Outlook on cell technology roadmap • Deep dive in battery price development (Cell, Module, System) Robert Stanek, Senior Consultant at The P3 Group Germany
Presentation: The opportunities for the use of fuel cells and hydrogen in energy systems integration, and linking energy, transportation and industry sectors Tim Karlsson, Executive Director International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy (IPHE)
Presentation: 'The use of ICT in tapping Solar Energy
Investment opportunities'. With particularly focus on the
Investment opportunities in India which yield high returns Tanya Batra, Head of Business Development at Ezysolare
Presentation: LNG/pipe gas as a balancing system for the electricity grid managed by the consumers
Bjorn Bekkevold, Owner, Chairman, Founder & CEO
3:00 PM to 4:00 PM Break
Panel Session: Today, we are living in a digitalized web world, do we also expect such too in energy sectors? How will companies manage these changes? How can companies appeal to the consumers of tomorrow as is now the case in web, telephony, social media and messaging across multiple devices? Or would clean energy ambitions create wealth of opportunities? Equity in the Clean Energy Economy; or Corporate Renewable Energy Procurement, Automated Transportation or Debate on Energy Efficiency. How could Technology of LNG be used in terms of its bottlenecks in having it used on larger engines for larger commercial ships?
Debate team: Prof Norman Mclennan, Managing Director at
Rubislaw Integrated Consulting Solutions and Georges Seil,Ph.D-cand, MBA, MD Biz Consult.
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM Closing Ceremonies
November 29-30th 2018
Third Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency & Exhibition summit
Courtesy of Gabriel & Gabriels International Prague
Venue for the Event is Pentahotels, Sokolovská 112, Prague 8 Karlín, Czech Republic. , email:
Tel: +420 776 347 298
1. Learn about the latest developments in global market
2. Hear from leading experts in Renewable energy, Energy, Power, Utilities, Oil and Gas Industries on Regulations, Compliance Risks, and Policies
3. Learn and discover more about emerging hot topics
4. Discover the best investment and export opportunities for new renewable generation and LNG to achieve market integration through effective transparency monitoring
5. In-depth coverage of critical Data Management, Governance, Big Data etc. and ICS security subject matter in a comprehensive focus day
6. Discussion focused on the latest development and operation of a large scale global in the Industry
7. Meet peers from within your technical and professional community and Form new professional relationships
Giuseppe Fumarola – Futur-E Project Coordinator at Enel Global Thermal Generation
Prof Norman Mclennan – Managing Director at Rubislaw Integrated Consulting Solutions
Christophe Dromacque – Head of Research and Analysis at VaasaETT Global Energy
Think Tank
Johan Ander – Program Manager – Smart City Program – Energy
Sebastiano Ambrogio – Head of Energy Storage Business Development Global Thermal Generation at Enel
Richardo Batista – Naval Architect & Marine Engineer, Researcher in Energy Sustainability
Nektarios Moraitis – Energy Efficiency Manager at Watt & Volt
Shah Zulfiquar Haider – General Manager, Pabna Rural Electric Cooperative 1
David Lecoque – Policy and Business Development Manager at Alliance for Rural Electrification
Aurel Mindrican – AFEER (The Association of Electricity Suppliers in Romania) Trade Development Manager – CEZ Trade Romania & Trade Manager – Ovidiu Development
Johan Tonsberg – Contract and procurement previously Manager at Maersk Oil & Shell
Stefan Schauss – Director business Development Energy Storage Systems at Greensmithenergy
Kristina Rimkunaite – SSLNG development manager at LITGAS 2
Karim Elhanafi – President, Founder GIS Consultant Management ONG-IT GmbH
Ivana Ostoic – CEO IQ Group,Sustainabilty,Enviroment,Energy Efficiency,Renewable Expert,Public Speaker
David Marco – CEO | Best-Selling Author | International Speaker on Data Management
Rainer Bachmann – Domain E-Mobility,Head of Platforms & Operations Eon
Kirstin Bell – Director at Renewablechoice,
George Chavdarov – Energy expert at European Investment Bank
Wolfram Sparber – Chairman Of The Board Of Directors at Alperia S.p.A
Mark Ossel – Vice President at Networked Energy Services (NES) Corporation (USA, Ca)
Peter Stewart – Managing Director at Resource economist ltd
Bjorn Brochmann – Director, Brochmann Energy
Rita Conte – Consultant Endsight Consulting
Daniel Burrus – Technology Futurist, Innovation Expert, Keynote Speaker, Best Selling Author
Luis Colasante – Group Energy Manager & Head of Economic Research | Writer Contributor: Oilprice | USA Today
Richard Albrecht – Innovation and Business Development Manager at CC Energy
Sam Wilkinson – Senior Research Manager – Solar & Energy Storage at IHS Markit
Francisco Pablo De La Flor – Director of Regulation at Enagas
Willem Strabbing – Managing Director at ESMIG
Tor Eigil Hodne – Director, EU Office at Statnett SF
Robert Stanek – Senior consultant at The P3 Group Germany
Jan Ernst Sr. – Application Engineer EMEA Maxwell Technologies
Tanya Batra – Head of Business Development at Ezysolare
Tim Karlsson – Executive Director International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy (IPHE)
Bodo von Duering – Owner, von During Management AG3
David Lecoque – Policy and Business Development Manager at Alliance for Rural Electrification
Bjorn Bekkevold, Owner, Chairman, Founder & CEO
7:30 AM to 8:00 AM Registration and Reception
9:00 AM Opening statement and Keynote Addresses:
Prof Norman Mclennan, former VP Supply Chain Sasol
Exploration & Production International but now Managing
Director at Rubislaw Integrated Consulting Solutions
10:00 AM to 10:30 AM Break
10:30 AM to 12:00 PM Presentation: Collaborative business principles in challenging business environments - the art of the possible! This session will explore model supply chain & contractual solutions developed and utilized in the upstream energy sector offering. Specifically examining: Background context and whey there is a compelling case for standard solutions.
Prof Norman Mclennan, former VP Supply Chain Sasol Exploration & Production International but now Managing Director at Rubislaw Integrated Consulting Solutions
Presentation: Mega trends in climate change and resource efficiency, Urbanization, active customers digitalization and New Technologies
Johan Ander, Program Manager - Smart City Program - Energy
Presentation: Integrating wind power into the Romanian electricity market
Aurel Mindrican, AFEER (The Association of Electricity Suppliers in Romania) Trade Development Manager – CEZ Trade Romania & Trade Manager – Ovidiu Development
Presentation: ESCO model in Western Balkans-Success stories
Ivana Ostoic, CEO IQ Group, Sustainabilty, Environment,
Energy Efficiency, Renewable Expert, Public Speaker
Presentation: The integration of decentralized heat and electricity generation plus e-mobility in quarter concept as part of sustainable cities development
Rainer M. Bachmann, Domain E-Mobility, Head of Platforms & Operations Eon
Presentation: Use of depleted gas fields for green energy Bodo von Duering, Owner von During management Ag.
Presentation: "The potential of consumption feedback and demand response in the residential sector - findings from 160 pilots around the world?"
Christophe Dromacque, Head of Research and Analysis at VaasaETT Global Energy Think Tank
Presentation: Recycling of PV modules keeping in view of the speed of installation worldwide and certain PV plants are already more than 7-8 years old. I am afraid that while we step up the
investments on Renewables, we may tend to overlook the effects on environment as we are nearing the derating regime of the same
Dr. Suresh Gupta, Head of RD at Anguil Environmental Systems, Inc.
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM Lunch
Keynote Address:
Presentation: PIMS - Pipeline Information Management Systems based on Enterprise GIS
Daniel Burrus, Technology Futurist, Innovation Expert, Keynote Speaker, Best Selling Author
1:30 PM to 3:00 PM Presentation: “Integrated solutions for smart cities, power, gas
and water networks” By Karim Elhanafi, President, Founder GIS Consultant Management ONG-IT GmbH
Nektarios Moraitis, Energy Efficiency Manager
Presentation: Energy Storage experience
Sebastiano Ambrogio, Head of Energy Storage
Business Development Global Thermal Generation
Presentation: Towards a single European Power Market » The Principal Changes in the Last 5 Years in the European Power Market
Luis Colasante, Group Energy Manager & Head of Economic Research, Writer Contributor: Oilprice, USA Today
Presentation: Kristina Rimkunaite, SSLNG development manager at LITGAS
Presentation: Wolfram Sparber, Chairman of The Board of Directors at Alperia S.p.A
3:00 PM to 3:15 PM Break
3:15 PM to 4:45 PM
5:00 PM Presentation:
Joseph Mcmullen, Marketing Director Schneider Electric Software
End of Day One
7:30 AM to 8:00 AM Continental Breakfast
8:00 AM to 10:00 AM
10:00 AM to 10:30 AM Break
10:30 AM to 12:00 PM Presentation:
Sam Wilkinson, Senior Research Manager - Solar & Energy Storage at HIS Markit
Presentation: Peter Stewart, Managing Director at Resource economist ltd
Presentation: Richard Albrecht, Innovation and Business Development Manager at CC Energy
Presentation: George Chavdarov, Energy expert at European Investment Bank
Presentation: Rita Conte, Consultant Endsight Consulting
Presentation: David Marco, CEO, Best-Selling Author, International Speaker on Data Management
Presentation: How a more intelligently-run power grid can yield greater cost savings both for the entire utility system and individual customers
Tor Eigil Hodne, Director, EU Office at Statnett SF
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM Lunch
1:30 PM to 3:00 PM Presentation: As world market leader in short term energy storage (Ultra capacitors) our products contribute to stability of the future grid where renewable integration cause fluctuation of
frequency which leads into a reasonable danger of grid operation. Short term burst of power from Ultra Capacitors are a highly effective way to resolve immediate frequency response Jan Ernst, Sr. Application Engineer EMEA Maxwell
Technologies Presentation: Battery price and technology development until 2025 • Current state of the battery market for PHEV/ BEV automotive market • Outlook on cell technology roadmap • Deep dive in battery price development (Cell, Module, System) Robert Stanek, Senior Consultant at The P3 Group Germany
Presentation: The opportunities for the use of fuel cells and hydrogen in energy systems integration, and linking energy, transportation and industry sectors Tim Karlsson, Executive Director International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy (IPHE)
Presentation: 'The use of ICT in tapping Solar Energy
Investment opportunities'. With particularly focus on the
Investment opportunities in India which yield high returns Tanya Batra, Head of Business Development at Ezysolare
Presentation: LNG/pipe gas as a balancing system for the electricity grid managed by the consumers
Bjorn Bekkevold, Owner, Chairman, Founder & CEO
3:00 PM to 4:00 PM Break
Panel Session: Today, we are living in a digitalized web world, do we also expect such too in energy sectors? How will companies manage these changes? How can companies appeal to the consumers of tomorrow as is now the case in web, telephony, social media and messaging across multiple devices? Or would clean energy ambitions create wealth of opportunities? Equity in the Clean Energy Economy; or Corporate Renewable Energy Procurement, Automated Transportation or Debate on Energy Efficiency. How could Technology of LNG be used in terms of its bottlenecks in having it used on larger engines for larger commercial ships?
Debate team: Prof Norman Mclennan, Managing Director at
Rubislaw Integrated Consulting Solutions and Georges Seil,Ph.D-cand, MBA, MD Biz Consult.
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM Closing Ceremonies