1.5 axis PV tracking for lower LCOE & new applications (free webinar)

In the UAE, HeliosLite's unique 1.5 axis PV tracking solution has recorded 30% more energy output annually, versus fixed tilt structures with much more power throughout the day. HeliosLite's ambition is to lower LCOE by at least 10% versus fixed tilt structures in high DNI regions. During this webinar, you will learn:
What makes HeliosLite's 1.5 axis PV tracker unique
How it improves profitability for developers and installers
What markets does it open to tracking solutions

Hosted by PV Tech, co-presented by HeliosLite and Enerwhere.
Registration: Free (limited spaces available)

12 September 2018, 15:00 - 16:00 CET


Speaker information:     

Dr. Etienne Menard - Chief Technical Officer and Co-founder, HeliosLite.
Etienne obtained a PhD in Chemistry at the University “Pierre et Marie Curie” (Paris, France) and the Department of Material Science and Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). He is also the lead inventor of Semprius’ core transfer printing technology, a technology which he developed during his PhD at UIUC.

Daniel Zywietz - Founder & CEO, ‎Enerwhere.
‎Enerwhere, is a distributed solar utility based in Dubai, UAE.
Daniel has over a decade of experience in management consulting, banking and entrepreneurship in Europe and the Middle East, with a focus on utilities, renewable energy & energy efficiency. Enerwhere provides cheaper, cleaner and more reliable power to off-grid customers across the Middle-East & Africa, also being one of the earliest adopters of HeliosLite's 1.5 axis tracker, having installed the first pilot project in Abu Dhabi, UAE in May 2017.

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