EBRD loan of up to €13 million for up to 72 low-floor trolleybuses for Mariupol

The EBRD is supporting the modernisation of public transport in Ukraine with a loan of up to €13 million for the acquisition of up to 72 low-floor trolleybuses for the city of Mariupol.

The funds, provided to the communal enterprise Mariupolske Tramvaino-Troleybusne Upravlinnya (MTTU), will also finance spare parts and maintenance equipment as well as the modernisation of the existing trolleybus depot and the reconstruction of the catenary network.

The loan will be fully secured by a municipal guarantee and complemented by a loan of up to €2 million from the Climate Investment Funds' Clean Technology Fund and a €3 million grant from the Eastern Europe Energy Efficiency and Environment Partnership (E5P), to which the European Union is the largest contributor.

source EBRD

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