Electricity in Romania at the end of 2015

The capacities of electricity production from renewable sources reached a total installed capacity of 5127 MW at the end of November 2015 according to data centralized by Transelectrica. The system existed wind farms with an output of 3,129 MW, photo voltaic panels with a total capacity of 1,312 MW, 583 MW of small hydro and biomass projects with a cumulative capacity of 103 MW.

The installed capacity at the end of November is lower than that of 31 October, when the system was 5.180 MW of renewable energy. The sharpest decrease was seen in wind turbines, 3,186 MW from the previous month to 3,129 MW. Late last year, appeared in system production capacity of 5,200 MW of renewable energy, according to Transelectrica.

For 2016, the mandatory quota of electricity produced from renewable energy sources, benefiting from green certificate promotion system is 12.15% of gross final consumption of electricity, according to a Decision adopted by the Government on 30 December . The quota for 2016 is higher than 2015, which was set at 11.9%.

This level of mandatory quota for 2016 maintain consumer impact of the bill on the use in 2015 of about 35 lei / MWh.

'If we consider the agreements for exemption issued by the end of 2015 (7000 GWh) and 2016 (1000 GWh, in addition to 2015), the impact of green certificates in the bill to final consumers of electricity not exempted (households and SMEs) will rise from 35 lei / MWh, about 43 lei / MWh ', according to a press release from the Executive.

Level approved the mandatory quota for 2016 envisages achieving the national objective of energy from renewable sources in gross final consumption of energy and was established based on scenarios submitted by the National Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE). This objective will be achieved by limiting the sale of green certificates to producers of electricity from renewable sources at a value of about 60% of all certificates issued, according to government decision.

Frimu Ghinea

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