In order to reach the 20-20-20 up to 2020 objectives, energy efficiency detain the major role, a proper energy consume being realized by combining energetic management with implementation of renewable energy sources and CO2 emissions reduction. All three considered desiderates, regarding as redemption/rationalizing of energy consume at all levels of the energy chain and to pave the way for further energy efficiency improvements beyond that date are mentioned in the European Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU from 04th December 2012.
Energy efficiency has proved to be a cost-effective strategy for building economies without necessarily increasing energy consumption. Thus, it represents a way of managing and restraining the growth in energy consumption. Something is more energy efficient if it delivers more services for the same input, or the same services for less energy input, offering in the same time a powerful and cost-effective tool for achieving a sustainable energy future.
Improvements in energy efficiency can reduce the need for investments in energy infrastructure, in existing and new government owned and/or leased facilities, cut energy bills, improve health, increase competitiveness and improve consumer welfare and purchasing energy efficient products. Environmental benefits can also be achieved by the reduction of greenhouse gases emissions and local air pollution. Energy security - the uninterrupted availability of energy sources at an affordable price - can also profit from improved energy efficiency by decreasing the reliance on imported fossil fuels.
An important role in implementing energy efficiency measures is taken by Energy Services Companies (ESCOs), providing a real promising opportunity to achieve greenhouse gas emissions reductions.
09:30 Participants registration & Welcome coffee
10:00 Greetings, legislative framework, financing opportunities
Gabriela Bujeniță, Project Manager, REECO RO EXPOZITII SRL, Romania
10:10 "EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility" Financing, free technical consultancy and EU!
Amelia GIANTARU, Deputy PM RoSEFF - Tractebel Engineering Romania
10:30 "Improving Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Usage of Public and Historical Buildings in Cities across CENTRAL EUROPE program (EnergyCity2)"
Eng. Daniel AMARIEI, Senior Project Manager Centre of Excellence for Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Environment Wien, Austria
11:00 Opening Ceremony / Trade Fair Visit
12:00 EE Programs in ESCO systems for Residential Buildings
Vlad STANCIU, Executive Manager - Romanian Sustainable Energy Cluster - ROSENC
12:20 ECO Cottages, A Modern Development Solution for Buildings made of Traditional Materials
Arch. George STANCIU, Executive Manager - Romanian Sustainable Energy Cluster - ROSENC
12:40 Performant systems for EE in buildings
Stefan OPRIS, Marketing Manager LISSCOM
13:00 Trade Fair Visiting
14:30 Energy Efficiency in Pumping Systems. Your hidden treasure!
Szilvester Zoltan GEYER, Sales Engineer GRUNDFOS Pompe Romania
14:50 Sustainable Energy for Rural Communities - SUSTAINCO
Florin ANDRONESCU, Director Alba Local Energy Agency - ALEA
15:10 EE in Street Lighting
Vlad STANCIU, Executive Manager - Romanian Sustainable Energy Cluster - ROSENC
15:30 Reactive Capacitive Power Compensation Produced by Long Lenght Cables
15:50 Software for Management and Energy Efficiency for Industry
Stefan OPRIS, Marketing Manager LISSCOM
16:10 Compressed Air Energy Storage for Industry
Vlad STANCIU, Executive Manager - Romanian Sustainable Energy Cluster - ROSENC
16:30 Questions and Conclusions
Vlad STANCIU, Executive Manager - Romanian Sustainable Energy Cluster - ROSENC
Location: Expo Arad
Date: 4th of March 2015
Language: Romanian
Participation Fee: - 50€
Registration hire :
Energy efficiency has proved to be a cost-effective strategy for building economies without necessarily increasing energy consumption. Thus, it represents a way of managing and restraining the growth in energy consumption. Something is more energy efficient if it delivers more services for the same input, or the same services for less energy input, offering in the same time a powerful and cost-effective tool for achieving a sustainable energy future.
Improvements in energy efficiency can reduce the need for investments in energy infrastructure, in existing and new government owned and/or leased facilities, cut energy bills, improve health, increase competitiveness and improve consumer welfare and purchasing energy efficient products. Environmental benefits can also be achieved by the reduction of greenhouse gases emissions and local air pollution. Energy security - the uninterrupted availability of energy sources at an affordable price - can also profit from improved energy efficiency by decreasing the reliance on imported fossil fuels.
An important role in implementing energy efficiency measures is taken by Energy Services Companies (ESCOs), providing a real promising opportunity to achieve greenhouse gas emissions reductions.
09:30 Participants registration & Welcome coffee
10:00 Greetings, legislative framework, financing opportunities
Gabriela Bujeniță, Project Manager, REECO RO EXPOZITII SRL, Romania
10:10 "EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility" Financing, free technical consultancy and EU!
Amelia GIANTARU, Deputy PM RoSEFF - Tractebel Engineering Romania
10:30 "Improving Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Usage of Public and Historical Buildings in Cities across CENTRAL EUROPE program (EnergyCity2)"
Eng. Daniel AMARIEI, Senior Project Manager Centre of Excellence for Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Environment Wien, Austria
11:00 Opening Ceremony / Trade Fair Visit
12:00 EE Programs in ESCO systems for Residential Buildings
Vlad STANCIU, Executive Manager - Romanian Sustainable Energy Cluster - ROSENC
12:20 ECO Cottages, A Modern Development Solution for Buildings made of Traditional Materials
Arch. George STANCIU, Executive Manager - Romanian Sustainable Energy Cluster - ROSENC
12:40 Performant systems for EE in buildings
Stefan OPRIS, Marketing Manager LISSCOM
13:00 Trade Fair Visiting
14:30 Energy Efficiency in Pumping Systems. Your hidden treasure!
Szilvester Zoltan GEYER, Sales Engineer GRUNDFOS Pompe Romania
14:50 Sustainable Energy for Rural Communities - SUSTAINCO
Florin ANDRONESCU, Director Alba Local Energy Agency - ALEA
15:10 EE in Street Lighting
Vlad STANCIU, Executive Manager - Romanian Sustainable Energy Cluster - ROSENC
15:30 Reactive Capacitive Power Compensation Produced by Long Lenght Cables
15:50 Software for Management and Energy Efficiency for Industry
Stefan OPRIS, Marketing Manager LISSCOM
16:10 Compressed Air Energy Storage for Industry
Vlad STANCIU, Executive Manager - Romanian Sustainable Energy Cluster - ROSENC
16:30 Questions and Conclusions
Vlad STANCIU, Executive Manager - Romanian Sustainable Energy Cluster - ROSENC
Location: Expo Arad
Date: 4th of March 2015
Language: Romanian
Participation Fee: - 50€
Registration hire :