ISOL Navigator from Solrico

The study ISOL Navigator December 2014 is based on the ISOL Index, an international business climate index surveyed since the beginning of 2010. A large number of 365 solar thermal manufacturers and system suppliers from around the world which participated in the latest survey provided an excellent database for a comprehensive global analysis.

The study compares the attractiveness of different national markets and analyses the growth opportunities of 18  key countries: Austria, Brazil, the Czech Republic, China, Chile, France, Greece, Germany, Italy, India, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Spain, South Africa, Turkey, United Kingdom and the USA.

The 110-page study includes 18 country portraits. Especially important: the 2015 Forecast. ISOL Navigator December 2014 summarizes the expectations of more than 300 industry players about their business development in 2015.

If you want to order the ISOL Navigator study please contact to receive an offer.

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