SE Research Institute of Building Production of Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine invites to participate in scientific work-shop Key Aspects of Building and Housing in Ukraine. Objects Thermal Modernization. "Energy independence - success of the state."
The event will take place on 11-12 November 2014.
Seminar will be moderated by experts in thermal modernization.
The workshop will address the following issues:
- Comprehensive engineering energy saving solutions in systems of heat generation and heat consumption in buildings;
- Organizational and financial mechanisms development for energy efficiency projects in the residential sector;
- Concession agreements within public - private partnerships to attract investments in the communal property;
- ESCO mechanisms implementation specifics in Ukraine;
- EE in housing investment project development.
Address of workshop conducting:
The state Research institute of building production
Kyiv, Chervonozorianyi Avenue, 51, conference room (2nd floor).
Invitation and details about location hire.
The event will take place on 11-12 November 2014.
Seminar will be moderated by experts in thermal modernization.
The workshop will address the following issues:
- Comprehensive engineering energy saving solutions in systems of heat generation and heat consumption in buildings;
- Organizational and financial mechanisms development for energy efficiency projects in the residential sector;
- Concession agreements within public - private partnerships to attract investments in the communal property;
- ESCO mechanisms implementation specifics in Ukraine;
- EE in housing investment project development.
Address of workshop conducting:
The state Research institute of building production
Kyiv, Chervonozorianyi Avenue, 51, conference room (2nd floor).
Invitation and details about location hire.