Bosch will invest 300 milion euro between 2013-2015 in Turkey

The Bosch Group is further expanding its presence in Turkey. Between 2013 and 2015, the international technology and services company will be investing some 300 million euros in the extension of its existing location in Bursa, 90 kilometers south of Istanbul. By the end of this year, Bosch intends to create around 500 jobs there.

“By making this investment, Bosch is demonstrating its confidence in the Bursa location, which is characterized by the dedication of its associates and the outstanding quality of its operations,” said Steven Young, the Bosch Group's representative in Turkey.

For the Bosch Group's global operations, Turkey is now an important manufacturing and export location, and is growing in importance as a research and development location as well. As early as 2009, an engineering center for injection technology was established in Bursa. In Manisa and Cerkesköy, Bosch associates are also developing new products such as gas-fired boilers and household appliances. The company has spent nearly 70 million euros on R&D in Turkey over the last three years, and employs some 330 local engineers.

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