Seminar : Investment opportunities and subventions in Romania 2014 -2020

Organized by the Belgian Romanian Real Estate Chamber ( CIBR), Belgian and Romanian associations and confederations from agro and fresh and processed food sector, infrastructure and economy (industrial companies).

The seminar is a platform for debate on the most suitable means of cooperation between Belgium and Romania in the agro and food, infrastructure, transport, transport companies, and industrial sectors, with special focus on European funding for the period 2014-2020  in the  these sectors.

13.45 Registration of participants
14.00 Introduction by the moderator of the seminar: Mr.Freddy Jacobs, president of CIBR
14.05 Opening speech - His Excellency Mr. Stefan Tinca, Ambassador of Romania to Belgium

First Session: Overview of the sectors 2014 - 2020

14.15 The Partnership agreement between the Romanian authorities and European Commission for the 2014-2020 period – speaker from Ministry of European Funds or/ European Commission

14.35 Investment opportunities from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development to support the agro and food sectors- Mrs. Roxana Gradinariu  permanent representation of Romania to the EU

14.55 European Structural and Investment Funds for infrastructure development projects , Benoit Nadler from  European Commission DG Regio

15.15 Short overview of the funding programs, Mr. Daniel Rata, owner, Addvances

15.45 Practical aspects for subventions for industrial companies, agro and fresh and processed food sector: Mr. Freddy M.E. Jacobs, president Belgian Romanian Real Estate Chamber – CIBR

16.00 Coffee Break

Second session: Vernissage and networking with a surprise VIP presence

16.15 Presentation of some fine artworks and artists :

Marian Sava, Romanian artist, sculptures in white and black marble
Bébé, Romanian artist – symbolism and surrealism, bronze sculptures
Jaco, Belgian artist, surrealism acrylic paintings

16.45  B2B meetings and cocktail.
Some classical chamber music brought by Juan Lopez and Zhaina Kydyrova

The workshop is free of charge.
For registration contact Mr. Freddy Jacobs by e-mail: or by
fax +329/3295951

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