Russia: new solar power plant agreement

Plans for a new solar power plant in Orenburg are made between the Ministry of Economic Development and Avelar Solar Technology in the Orenburg region. Due to its location on the south of the Urals region, a place where the solar irradiation is on the highest in Russia, the analysts believe that the project could be a succes.

Although little informations have been released to the press regarding this project, so far the informations indicates that it will be a 25 MWh plant implemented by Avelar in cooperation with one of Russia's leading developers of project in the renewable energy sector.The solar plant is expected to have photovoltaic modules produced by a joint venture of two Russian conglomerate, Renova and Rusnano.

The total investment is estimated to around 70 million euros and if this project will be implemented it might be possible that in the future new plans for solar power plants to be discussed between the parties.

Florentina Staicu

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